Encourage them to do what they do best: Hang out together.
Encourage them to do what they do best: Hang out together.
We created a 12 week running challenge that could only be completed by running together.
Through a digital platafom, they could pick their partner, their neighborhood
and using Nike+ technology, they could register their daily kms.
and using Nike+ technology, they could register their daily kms.
In just 12 weeks more than 2,000 teams ran together above 200,000 kms.
In just 12 weeks more than 2,000 teams ran together above 200,000 kms.
Sol de Oro.
Festival Iberoaméricano de la Comunicación Publicitaria
“El Sol de Iberoamérica” 2014.
“El Sol de Iberoamérica” 2014.
Ideas de Marketing en Oro en Redes Sociales Más Allá de las Redes.